wider shoulder exercises in 30 days!! 1 month | edge fitness | fitnessbuddy55

We all how wider shoulder man looks more attractive then lean once .huuu
But you don't know how to get wider shoulder so,here I'm with.
This are the shoulder exercise for wider shoulder.
 best 5 wider shoulder exercise

Ok, let's start it.

1.Lateral raise.

Here  we are going to do some variation to make this exercise  much more effective. But we need to understand this thing that there are three heads  Anterior lateral and the posterior or front middle and back to build with primary wants to develop the middle in the back of the shoulder.

this position is also right but this is more effective.
 so you want to lean forward you can do it simply by starting  this exercise with your dumbbell in front of your hips . This will naturally put you  forward position then with swinging your back.

Don't do dumbbell higher then your elbow.
Then. You would raise your  dumbells  to your side with a slight bend in your elbow slightly  above your wrist. your arms up until they are parallel with the floor and then lower back down to the starting position with number in front of your .

2.Bent over reverse cabel fly

Reverse cable fly this one will target the posterior head of the back of your shoulder this is very important for wider look

 to perform this exercise stand sideway to the cable and blend your upper body almost until it is parallel with the floor you can use either a handle attachment you can get the cable itself .
in either case you will want  to keep your arm extended with a slight bend and aim to bring the cable directly to the side of your shoulder even with your upper body and parallel to the floor when raising up .

your want to again next sure not to bring your hand higher than your elbow 

3.The reverse dumbell fly

This is the one of the most effective exercise for the back of  the shoulder reverse dumbbell fly.
 first you want to grab two dumbbell  and bend  forward at are you wrist make sure you keep your chest up and your shoulders blades to protect your lower back the further weather you bend forward with this exercise closer and closer to 90° degree. 
We want to bend over upper body or not parallel with the ground dumbbell are going to hanging directly under the line off the shoulder next . 
we want to me come a hanging the tree motion in the reverse so again elbow should be slightly bend  and are going to the dumbbell directed to our side inline with the shoulder keeping the elbow about the wrist  the whole  time

 you can also perform this exercise with your upper body bent over your knee keep in mind that you will have to use substantially lighter weight for the bend lateral raise then you would for something like a regular lateral raise.

4.High cables reverse fly.

Here you can use cable attachment or cable it self start by raising the pulleys untill they're above your above your head next you'll want to stand upright facing the cable cross machine using your right hand grab the cable on your left and with your left hand grab the cable on the right.

this  is your starting position with both of the cables crossed over in front of you keeping that same slight bend in elbow bring your arms back and outward while really squeezing the shoulder blades tigt together before returning back to starting position with both your arms crossed over then repeat for reps

5.Leaning lateral raise

Exercises great because it help us to work the shoulder in a way that's just not possible with regular lateral raise

The first 30 degrees that you raise the dumbells during a regular lateral raise requires minimal work for the lateral head of your shoulder and instead it's mostly done by the supraspinatus which is one of your rotator cuff muscles it isn't until after we pass 30 degrees that the lateral


deltoid become the prime mover however if we  exercise by grabbing onto something and leaning away from it able to keep mero tension on the lateral head throughout the entire exercise to begin make sure you plant your feet close to extend your arms so that you're leaning .

what ever you holding on to and then far enough away to create unique angle apply the same form that you would with regular lateral raise so start with your dumbbell hanging down and then as you raise the dumbell make sure you keep that elbow slightly bend and above your wrist raise the dumbell until your arm is parallel to your floor and your hand is even with your shoulder then you're gonna lower back down and repeat four reps .
