Facts you must know before making abs - six pack body

Do you spend long sessions of the most varied abdominal exercises to show off a flat stomach and you still have not managed to get rid of that unsightly strip of fat under your navel? Does your neck or lower back hurt when you do crunches? Do not be bitter existence, here are some keys to get the most out of each abdominal contraction you perform.

The tricks that we propose below are based on the principles of Pilates, a training system that works the body as a whole, in a harmonious and balanced way. Combine them with the hypopressive method, you will see what results!

BREATHE Take the air in through your nose and release it through your mouth while you bring your navel to your back. In this way it is as if each breath is an abdominal and without even moving!

 NECK POSITION. When it is an exercise that involves raising your head, focus your gaze on the navel. If you deflect it to any other point, the neck will not be well aligned and you will tighten it unnecessarily.

 FORGET THE ENDLESS SIRIES. If you do the breathing correctly, activating the powerhouse (the Core or trunk), with 10-15 repetitions of each exercise will be enough

NO MATTER HOW MANY CRUNCHES I DO, I CAN'T SHOW OFF A FLAT STOMACH. Yes, you can leave your skin and strength doing abs, but you are still far from your abdomen looking firm and smooth. Why? Because there is a layer of subcutaneous fat above that covers them and prevents a more toned and smooth belly from being seen. Probably, there are Cristiano Ronaldo's strong abs below, but they are not appreciated ... And here, there is no abdominal to help you, the secret formula: BALANCED DIET + AEROBIC EXERCISE

Do not miss the lumbar. If you do not want to create decompensations in your body, it is necessary that, as you work the front, you pay attention to the rear to find the balance of the body. Ideally, combine exercises to make it more enjoyable. In addition, being aware of your breathing, each repetition can pose a new challenge. Concentrate on inhaling when preparing the movement and exhaling when you make the effort.

Do not miss the lumbar. If you do not want to create decompensations in your body, it is necessary that, as you work the front, you pay attention to the rear to find the balance of the body. Ideally, combine exercises to make it more enjoyable. In addition, being aware of your breathing, each repetition can pose a new challenge. Concentrate on inhaling when preparing the movement and exhaling when you make the effort.

I hope that from now on you can face the abdominal exercises with another spirit, at least you already know that there is no use doing a thousand and one series. Good luck and don't forget to tell us about your experience!
