What to do to get abs -six pack fast?at HOMEsee this

If removing your belly is difficult, imagine what you have to work for the tablet ... However, there are exercises and diets that help you do it sooner.


Adding a counterweight to your regular exercise routine compresses your abdominal wall, which will end up bringing out that tablet to shine. One of the simplest tricks is to keep your legs dangling, according to personal trainer and fitness guru Nate Bower. You just hang onto a pull-up bar and lift your legs to a 90 degree angle with your trunk. You can also raise your knees until they touch your stomach. "The resistance movements are so effective that you will want to do more," explains Bower. "As soon as a few days pass!"

2. Take away foods with sugar

Don't pretend this catches you off guard: "If you really want enviable abs," says Bower, "stop eating candy and focus on eating healthy." Cookies, cakes, treats, and soft drinks contain processed sugars, which, according to nutritionist and personal trainer Sarajean Shakti Rudman, ends up significantly raising your blood sugar level. Everything is due to the insulin rush and the accumulation of fats that cause in your liver. 

3. Throw Egg

Eggs are full of proteins and amino acids, which are extremely important for building muscle mass. And muscles burn more calories than body fat, even while you're resting. In a study published in the International Journal of Obesity, subjects who ate eggs for breakfast as part of a plan to control calories and fat had a lower body mass and 16% less body fat than those who started their day by eating donuts.

4.Don't forget the weights 

"Although most of the guys in the gym do weights to strengthen legs," says Bower, "the truth is that they provide an incredible stimulus to get a core and defined abs."

5. Drink water ,not Coca-Cola Drink.

It is much more benevolent with your belly. A study reveals that those people fond of low-calorie soft drinks end up gaining almost three times more abdominal fat over a period of nine years than those not hooked. Plus, water does a better job of staying hydrated, which is especially important if you tend to get sick. According to Rudman: "The main cause of constipation is dehydration, which can cause gas, bloating and a fluffy belly."

6. That almonds are your only snack.

They are the best food for your abs. One study showed that subjects who ate about 14 grams of almonds a day (as part of a cholesterol-lowering diet) lost more belly fat than those who ate cupcakes. Almonds contain monounsaturated fats (which help fight those that are lodged in your stomach), as well as magnesium, a key mineral when it comes to producing and maintaining muscle mass.

7. Do more pull-ups.

You may do them to strengthen your biceps, but the same thing happens with weights: they also work for the core ... as long as you do them correctly, Bower warns. Remember to activate your abs by pushing your legs against your body before going up. " This is his advice.

8. Go to bed earlier.

One of the reasons why more hours in bed keep your gut at bay was published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: sleep deprivation alters your hormones. Your body is forced to secrete more ghrelin, a hormone that increases your desire to eat, and less leptin, another that tells you when to stop. So less watching Netflix series flipping and more sleeping.

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