Oooh..we all want to make stronger and bigger bicep but many ao as we're doing wrong workout.althrough I am here to help you.without wasting time let's goo..
This exercise is very effective for bigger biceps.this exercise also improve hand grip and strength and also increases upper body mass.
Tips: do not take it to high (chin or face) . should be done care fully.
This are mainly done in gyms.
This are the best 5 biceps exercise.
This exercise are important to grow stronger bicep in this article . I wii show you additional benefits also .
1.Ez bar curl
This exercise is very effective for bigger biceps.this exercise also improve hand grip and strength and also increases upper body mass.
Tips: do not take it to high (chin or face) . should be done care fully.
Take the screen shot and do it by looking in this image.
4 sets *10-12 reps
2.Barbell bicep curl
Doing this exercise is helpful to grow bigger bicep and strength them. This is the great one for maximum strength development.
4 sets *10-12 reps
3.Dumbbell hammer curl .
Keep the upper body rigid.the main benefits of doing this exercise are :
Increase muscle strength.
Bigger bicep.
Improve grip strength.
4 sets *10-12 reps
4.Standing dumbbell biceps curls.
Main benefits :
• Improve wrist stability
• Boost muscles endurance
4 sets *10-12 reps
5. Inclined dumbbell curl.
Best suited for beginners.
Believe in me if you follow this 5 exercise you will definitely get good results.
If you get some knowledge or ideas then plz comment on this post and for next topics.
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